The hub of campus life

Here is where students gather to reconnect and recharge. Dock's cafeteria buzzes with energy!

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Dock staff, administrators, and faculty had a great time reconnecting and preparing for the 2023-24 school year during In-Service!  Part of the group’s time together was spent reflecting on the school theme verses for this year: Matthew 5: 1-6, the Beatitudes.  We are looking forward to connecting with new families and students today, and welcoming all students on Thursday!

Dock staff, administrators, and faculty had a great time reconnecting and preparing for the 2023-24 school year during In-Service!  Part of the group’s time together was spent reflecting on the school theme verses for this year: Matthew 5: 1-6, the Beatitudes.  We are looking forward to connecting with new families and students today, and welcoming all students on Thursday!