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Empowering Students to Think and Act Confidently

Middle School

Dock offers strong academics in a collaborative, Christ-centered environment. Our teachers focus on teaching young students how to learn-providing a solid foundation for future academic success.

As middle school students transition to independent young adults, Dock strengthens their academic skills while providing opportunities to develop self-confidence. Dock prepares students to take on more responsibilities, make informed decisions, and set goals for themselves. Through an integrated Project Based Learning (PBL) curriculum, students build the communication and social skills, like working together and resolving differences peacefully, necessary to be successful in high school and beyond.

Middle school is a time when students learn to manage their work and build relationships, bonding with one another and their teachers. Every step of the way, students receive support through a cohesive community of teachers, family, and church, ensuring a positive experience in the classroom.

Life at Dock is built upon inclusion, participation, and relationships formed with peers and educators. Taking a day for team building at camp Men-O-Lan each fall for all middle school students is just one example of the great care is taken to design activities that strengthen relationships and build a lifelong community.

Dock Mennonite Academy


The collaborative learning model at the middle school nudges students to recognize their own gifts and acknowledge the particular strengths of their classmates, a dynamic that runs counter to our society's focus on individual success. We praise God for the chance to be a part of the mission of this school.

- Middle School Parent

Curriculum Highlights

Eco-Stewards Take Action

Fourteen middle school students embraced the role of “Eco-Stewards” as part of their service learning experience, planting 800 native flowers, grasses, and sedges in a rain garden at the EC-8 campus this fall.

Read the full story about the Eco-Stewards here

Philosophy of Education

Dock Mennonite Academy understands faith and learning to be inseparable. 

Explore our Philosophy of Education

Full Curriculum Access

Course descriptions for Early Childhood through Grade 12 can be found on the Atlas curriculum site.

 Explore our EC-Grade 12 Curriculum